
Industrial Service




科發(fā)幼兒園創(chuàng )辦于2020年,由國際著(zhù)名建筑設計師阮文韜執筆設計,占地面積3600多平方米??瓢l(fā)幼兒園秉持“以愛(ài)為基礎,提供優(yōu)質(zhì)的教育和保育,為每個(gè)孩子開(kāi)啟人生良好開(kāi)端”的理念,以耶魯大學(xué)為后盾,為培養第66位諾貝爾夢(mèng)想家而來(lái)。

Kofa Kindergarten was founded in 2020 and designed by Ruan Wentao, an internationally renowned architect, covering an area of more than 3,600 square meters. Kofa Kindergarten adheres to the concept of "being based on love, providing quality education and care, and starting a good start in life for every child," and is backed by Yale University to cultivate the 66th Nobel laureate.

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